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The Toby Globy Eco Team is pleased to introduce you to an award-winning environmental program for your class room use. The Toby Globy Eco Team is an environmental education supplement suitable for students in the pre-kinder through second grade. Head Start Centers have also found the program beneficial.

The 28 minute DVD movie features child actors and Toby Globy, the program's earth loving mascot. Toby teaches children simple environmental and ecological conditions along with solutions. The DVD offers two tracks.

Track 1 is a full length 28 minute movie that the class can enjoy from start to finish.

Track 2 is the same movie, but is divided into 17 activity segments giving you an opportunity to PAUSE the DVD to allow for question and answer sessions or mini pop quizzes. The child-actors teach simple lessons on:
- Water quality
- Water conservation
- Trash prevention
- Recycling

The students will learn good "eco-habits" through assimilation. Enthusiastic actors serve as great examples though role-playing by singing, dancing, and interacting with one another. As you know, children are by nature very helpful and willing to learn. We believe that the key to environmental awareness is best when children start learning with simple and fun activities.

While children can learn about the environment at any age, it is best to introduce good ecological practices at the youngest age since they are more likely to retain then for life. In fact, many children educate their own family.

You choose the amount of time the students spend learning about the environment. The lesson plans are flexible to ensure maximum participation. The simple instructions will help you implement this fun curriculum.

You'll be pleased to know that Toby Globy earned the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) 2005 Texas Environmental Excellence Award, in the Environmental Education category. This is the state's highest environmental honor.

We invite you to participate in this fun, but most essential program based on the premise that while not every child will become an environmental scientist, every child can be an environmentalist.

And like Toby Globy often says: "It's Up to Me and To You!"

© 1991 Humberto Almaraz. All rights reserved.