Toby Globy Eco Program Mission
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Toby Globy's Eco Team is the theme of our program, and is a simple "grass roots" curriculum supplement that teaches conscientiousness, responsibility and respect for our eco-system in early childhood. The program helps accomplish these goals by teaching awareness, action songs and activities, and stimulates creativity in simple and fun ways for the children, while keeping the activities very flexible for teachers' or parent's convenience, thus ensuring maximum participation.

Bearing in mind that it is not important as to how much the children will be able to recycle or conserve resources at this early age, as compared to the invaluable eco-habits they will learn and practice. While children can learn about the environment at any age, it is much better for them to learn good habits at the youngest age, since they are more likely to retain them for life, and in fact, in many cases "educate" their families.

By instilling sound practices in our children during early childhood, they would not only be environmentally responsible children, but perhaps, some would be attracted to an environmental profession when they mature.

At least in the categories of trash prevention, recycling and water conservation, many of the solutions can be simple, and while not every child will become an environmental scientist, every child can be an environmentalist, and indeed, make a big difference.

Thank you very much for participating in one of the most critical issues of our time, the environment.

The Toby Globy Eco Program was developed by Humberto Almaraz.

© 1991 Humberto Almaraz. All rights reserved.