Toby Globy and Texas A&M
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Consulting Engagement Report for
Toby Globy Eco Action Program
Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi, College of Business
December 8, 2014

Internal - Strengths

...the Toby Globy program is unlike any others in its industry sector. The program is designed to interact with kids directly. This program could be compared to a modern day Barney and Sesame Street in the sense of the interaction the Toby Globy character has with kids in the videos.

When teachers are presented with the opportunity, they enjoy incorporating the Toby Globy message into the students' weekly curriculum. We could not find any programs in the local area, nor in the state or nation for that matter, that are trying to provide a similar program to benefit children. In fact, most of the knowledge available to kids can be found on websites from existing environmental agencies such as Environmental Protection Agency and United States Geological Survey.

These agencies, however, do not offer interactive programs similar to the ones that Toby Globy provides. Although there is a great deal of positive information on the web for kids to explore, kids may not want to learn about environmental issues on their own. This is where the Toby Globy program steps in and takes the role of bringing information to the kids. (TAMUCC)

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